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About us

Marlene Foundation
of Hope and life INC

Marlene Foundation of Hope and life INC, created in 2017 is committed to protecting children’s lives and their rights and improving their well-being. We aim to do so through innovative programs focused on Education, health, migration and access to justice, specially designed to have both short- and long-term impacts.  

For more than 6 years, we have been working in difficult situations, in countries at war, regions devastated by natural disasters, and places where poverty and malnutrition force thousands of children and their families to migrate elsewhere. We provide direct and indirect support to thousands of children, their families, and communities.   

Our Vision

A world where children and young people can grow up safe from danger, where their rights are respected, and where they become actors and actresses of positive change in their lives.

Our Mission

To protect children and their future, we are committed to creating lasting and positive change in their lives. We advocate for the protection of their rights and well-being.

We fight to
  • ensure that child rights are put into practice
  • Protect children from harm, even in the most difficult circumstances
  • Influence agendas and strategies that affect children and youth at all levels
We strive to
  • Give children access to the childhood they are entitled to
  • Empower children and youth to actively shape societies, structures, and mindsets
  • Achieve sustainable system change for children
We mobilize to
  • Involve all relevant actors, from local to global, in the solutions we seek
  • engage partners, expertise, and resources in creating environments in which children thrive
  • Build capacity for the protection of children and the implementation of their rights
Our commitments

Marlene Foundation of Hope in Life is accountable to its stakeholders for delivering quality work, monitoring its impact, and ensuring that funds are spent in an efficient way in line with human rights standards.

We are committed to ensuring our staff, operations, and programs do no harm to children and adults at risk, nor expose them to any form of violence.

Our structure

We work in 2 countries and with 3 partners

What we do

Promoting children’s rights

Like adults, children and young people have human rights. These rights are set out under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and ratified by 169 nations.

Four general principles underpin children’s rights: participation, inclusion, non-discrimination, and equality. Children’s rights include – the right to education, health, play, family life, a safe standard of living and protection from abuse and harm.

We have adopted a rights-based approach and the core principles of the UNCRC. They are at the center of our work and guide our mission.

Protecting children against exploitation & violence

All children have the right to be safe. Yet children around the world experience forms of abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence which can take place at home, at school, in institutions, at work, in the community and online.
In many countries, girls are the first victims of human rights violations. During armed conflict and displacement, children and young women are particularly vulnerable to rape and various forms of human trafficking and sexual exploitation.
We educate and work with communities to implement preventative measures to keep children safe in their environments.

We mobilize to
  • Involve all relevant actors, from local to global, in the solutions we seek
  • engage partners, expertise, and resources in creating environments in which children thrive
  • Build capacity for the protection of children and the implementation of their rights
No poverty
Best education
Clean water
Good health

Who we are

Together with children, we fight to ensure that Child Rights are respected in full and implemented, leaving no one behind. We also engage to influence political agendas and strategies that affect children and young people.

  • Through our 10 projects in 2 countries, we work to protect children from extreme poverty, violence, and exploitation.
  • We empower children and young people to actively shape the societies they live in and to inspire sustainable systemic change that puts their needs first.
  • We involve all the relevant actors for positive results (parents, caregivers, and the highest officials).
  • When mobilizing our partners, expertise, and resources, we create environments where children thrive.
  • Marlene Foundation is constantly increasing its capacity to protect children and defend their rights.

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